28 January 2010

Muslim Stamp Emails - I take Great Issue.


As I currently live in Asia and I admit to being out of sync with some of the current hot topics in the US.  My source of info is from friends, family and the internet.  Occasional CNN but even that is  dribble for the most part. 

One of the emails that I have been receiving is in reference to the Muslim Holiday Stamp and asking for a protest of its existence in our “American” world. 

ATT226416991 To use this stamp would be a slap in the face to all those AMERICANS who died at the hands of those whom this stamp honors.

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of Pan Am Flight 103!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the Marine Barracks in Lebanon !

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the Military Barracks in Saudi Arabia !

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the American Embassies in Africa !

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the USS COLE!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM attack on 9/11/2001 !

REMEMBER all the AMERICAN lives that were lost in those vicious MUSLIM attacks!

Pass this along to every Patriotic American that you know and get the word out!  Honor the United States of America !

Really.  I love you – those of you that sent me the email and I respect your right to feel what you feel.  I just honestly wish that we as Americans were able to look at what this is saying and realize that it is a GROSS injustice to the Muslim people and to our own country and faith. 

I feel it is very narrow minded to think that a group of radicals, fanatics, freaks condemn one of the largest religious groups on the planet.  Not just the middle east or Mediterranean but the WHOLE PLANET. 

I did some research on this stamp (which by the way, the photo is not the stamp released by the USPS notice Zazzle.com) and it was originally released prior to 9/11.  It is a short term release to honor  Muslim holidays: the end of Ramadan and the end of the pilgrimage to Mecca. Muslims do not celebrate Christmas, this is a Christian Holiday.

I have many Muslim friends and I know that I am very ignorant to many aspects of their faith.  This is what I do know…they are the most generous and loving people.  They are fantastic parents and great coworkers. They don’t have an easy way of things, specially in today’s hostile world. MUSLIM AMERICANs.  You can be both and to say that the only holiday’s allowed to be recognized is Christian holidays is just, well, frankly, UNAMERICAN.

The Muslims do not recognize Christ as the Son of God just as the Catholics don’t recognize The Book of Mormons as religious scripture.  Baptist see the statues and icons of the Catholic/Orthodox as idol worship.  

 Every religion has its KOOKs.  Take a moment to think of the “Witch Trials” of Europe and America.  Take a moment to think of the raiding of Jerusalem and the Holy Land in the name a British King, to save a the religious rites from the heathens.  The Missionaries that settled (raped/enslaved/stole) from Africa, India, Australia, etc.  it's rather a large leap from there to blaming all Muslims and the Islamic faith in general for those atrocities. The present Turkish government has limited the ability of the Orthodox to practice in one of the oldest Antiochian churches on the planet.  Turkey = Constantinople. 

Anyone can take a religion and make it into a weapon.  My choice is to NOT define a group by its fanatics.   All white people are evil because we have the highest ration of serial killers? 

I am a proud American.  I am a Military Brat, I was active duty for several years, I am American.  I proudly tell people I am American as I am traveling around Asia (well, unless I am behaving badly then….I am Canadian). 

Please take a moment and look at what you are sending to people before you forward it. I am proud of what America is and hope for her to continue to evolve but narrow minded, dare I say, uneducated information sent out does nothing to make her stand tall in today’s mass media feed society.