08 July 2009

I suck, got it!

I keep telling myself to be more faithful to the blog but alas, I am not.

I do have stuff to say and I do have this running dialog with you, the readers, in my head. I just seem to suffer from a lack of ability to sit down and write. By the way, that dialog is funny, charming and you adore me.
What am I going to do to harness this long suffering inability to focus? I am going back to the basics of time management. I am committing myself to the following:
Monday mornings from 11am to noon.
Wednesday afternoons from 2 pm to 3pm.

These are my scheduled times to be on the computer. No, I will not be on the computer dinking around with facebook or any of the other mind numbing activities that are out there to waste a day away. This is my time that I will sit and write to you. I will astound you with my stories of Chinese interactions, photos of my wanderings and general rhetoric about my opinions of nothing and everything.
This is my commitment to you and to me. God help us all.