Chinese New Year (CNY) follows the Lunar Calendar which is why it does coordinate with the Western (Jan.1) New Year. It also begins the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival in China and most of Asia.
This is the BIGGEST holiday on the Chinese calendar and the weeks prior are just as important and hectic as the actual holiday.
You have to go buy new clothes, preferably something red. New shoes, for us ladies a nice 4” heel. New linens, towel, pillow all on my must do list. Oops, almost forget – must move before the festival, got the be settled so we can blow up our fireworks and new neighbors. Haircut, got to get that done because if I don’t then I will have to wait at least 30 days or something bad is going to happen to my Uncle. If I have enough money, I need to check into hotel to take my hot shower so I am SHINY and FRESH for the New Year.
Many employers host pre-holiday dinners for their management teams and lower level employees receive some form of money or gift. Money is presented in the “RED ENVELOPE”. There are rules to red envelope as a gift. You are only supposed to present it to staff, children or unmarried relatives/friends. I don’t get the last one because wedding gifts are presented in the red envelope too. Who am I to question a culture century's older then my own?
Our official CNY events started at the Jingsley Sheraton. My friend, Bill and I call her, “our sister” Catherine is the GM of the property and invited us to watch the Lion Dancers perform. This is a annual tradition to have the dance done throughout your business to bring in good fortune to your company.
The dancers, in this performance there were two along with two drummers, start in the lobby and do a dance of welcome. The Lions are always Red and Gold. These are the two colors of wealth, prosperity and good fortune.
The dancers are more acrobats then dancers as it takes two performers per Lion. They do a series of jumps, rolls and bows. This year the Lions narrowed in on Bill and Catherine and did a little in your face “good luck and Happy New Year.” I am really glad to be on the opposite side of the room taking pictures.
The dancers then do a routine where a stick holding a head of cabbage or a green leafy vegetable is dangled from a stick and they have to grab the cabbage with their mouths and eat the cabbage. Cabbage is more symbolism of wealth and prosperity. Bill was the stick holder as he stretched over the second floor railing to reach the dancers. Luck held out and he didn’t fall over…so it must work. Right?
Next: Fireworks….
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