A neighbor and I decided to do a little mindless wander through the Nanjing IKEA yesterday afternoon. We found it strange that there was about 10 photographers around the store posing their friends at the various display rooms.
Of course we had to speculate on why they were doing this. My favorite theory were that they were all signing up for the new "China" version of Facebook and they were going to Photoshop all the price tags out of the pictures and use the photos to show how they live while looking for that lucky foreigner to marry and take them away. Most of the models were female and all the photographers were male.
Reality was probably more to there being a photography class using IKEA as a project shoot. Either way, I was entertained.
THEN, we strolled through the kid's area of the store. You know where all the prince and princess buy their frog sheets and tiara styled mosquito netting. One one of the displays a young lady was playing on her cell phone while her little one was making use of the furniture.
Really? Do you just decide that hey, junior needs a nap, lets cruise on down to IKEA for a little nappy-poo? Do you think to yourself, hey junior sure is cranky, I think that I will just lay her down so for a little rest here in the middle of the store.
At the same time, I get it. Most of the Chinese do not have A/C in their homes and it is freaking hot. IKEA has A/C and you can wander their for hours in the maze of household goods that you never realized you cannot live without. They have a big food court that for just a few dollars you can have a snack and read your book or in the China way, play on your cell phone. I also understand that most of the the people do not have their own vehicles and though they have no issue transporting several family members on a scooter at one time. And if Baby is asleep it is a bit more of a challenge to do this...and I guess I would rather see them doing this then trying to steer a motorized bike and hold on to slumbering junior all at the same time.
For the American in me though, this is just odd. We would never do this. One, if junior needs a nap and we are out shopping, they are in the stroller or in our arms. We wouldn't stop in the middle of an outing to let junior have a little sleep, we would go home or just push forward. We wouldn't make us of a store display to let our little on take a nap, can you imagine the sales associates dismay.
Of course, I too have a camera so I snapped this little gem of a moment. We continued on with our browsing till I got the kitchen area and a momma was letting her toddler pee on the end cap display. TIME TO GO...