28 October 2009

When the kids are away….the Momma’s will play

2009 Oct 27_6729This week is Trip Week for Nanjing International School.  My son is spending Monday through Friday camping on a beach outside of Hong K ong proper. They are tent camping and had to hike into the site carrying all their supplies for the week.  The day activities are to include: kayaking, snorkeling, biking, hiking, etc. 

So what is a mother to do….

This week I have spent some time with a couple other childless2009 Oct 27_6731 mothers.  We have wandered around Nanjing aimlessly.  It is a bit weird knowing that you don’t need to be home in the afternoon to take care of the family.  Wine for lunch, why not?  Cosmo’s for dinner, why not? 

I am on day four (Thursday) and I want my kid to come home.  I am bored with the wandering, I am bored with the lack of schedule.  Mind you, I have greatly enjoyed this week but enough, I want my abnormal normal back.

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