Yes, you get to pick out your own name. We will address that later.
My history on Aye is slim. She worked for a family that returned to the US a couple weeks ago. They had several children, thus the nanny title. Aye has worked production before but was not working at the time they hired her. She was introduced to them in 2006. She is single mom of a disabled daughter. She and her sister take care of the daughter that is in her late teens or early 20’s. That is all I know. The family was very pleased with her work and the kids seemed to adore her. As I said that family left and Aye was trying to find new employment.
Many of the things we as American see on TV in regards to the Chinese are from a true but some is not so true. Yes, China is full of have and has not. Yes, general speaking they do make wages that would make an American wouldn’t even bother to collect from the floor boards of the car when you get it detailed. Yes, Americans have lost jobs to China and other countries…I get that. I am aware of the disharmony on this topic but the big answer is… in today’s market, to be cost effective, you not only have to make the product cheaper but you also have to keep up the quality and the workers have to be actually willing to work. Americans to do not want to work, we - when I say we I mean ME too – are lazy and if we can find a way to piss off most of the day-we do. In countries like China or India the over population is likely the root of the low wages. 10 billion people fighting for 1 billion jobs – you will be under bid - every time. It is not the workers idea; it is not in their best interest to make such low wages; yet it is enough to “live” on by China standards. China enacted the One Baby Rule in 1978 due to some not so cool ideas and overpopulation. I don’t agree with it but I can see where it could be beneficial for future generations. Again, Western Ideals 101 does not merge with Orient 101.

We were told that she could not find work that would pay her comparable to what she was making for the previous family. I had to hire her. How could we not? Remember the money is not a major issue. I won’t say what she is making a month –put it in terms my friends can understand- dinner for four, PF Cheng’s, a couple grey goose martinis, a couple glasses of medium grade wine, appetizers, four dishes, no dessert. That is what she makes a month. That is phenomenal money for her considering I cut her hours from 6 days a week to three.
Please note: I am having major ethical/moral panic attacks over hiring someone to clean up after our family. I am sure that if my mother reads this she would say, in that voice,” It never bothered you when I did all those years. You never paid me a dime, just heart ache and disrespect.” Do you think I should’ve quit therapy?
I digress…
My big issue is that I could not imagine having another person in my home cleaning my stuff. I am borderline (DENIAL) bipolar personality with an emphasis on social anxiety disorder. That is what the therapist told me to say. I freak out a little when I have to deal with public. Which most of you that will read this are thinking that I don’t have a problem like that… and the Oscar goes to: ME!!! My home is my haven. I control my space. It is all about control people. How can I have this stranger come into my safety zone, she doesn’t speak English, she is going to touch my stuff, how can I do this? What happens when I don’t want to get dressed that

What about the moral and ethical idea of a maid? Isn’t it cosmically wrong to have someone clean your underwear or match your socks? Iron your family’s clothes for the cost of an egg roll, literally. What is this doing to my karma?
Through an interpreter – we sat down made an arrangement for a trial run. We are on our fourth day and to be honest, the place has never looked better. I like the benefits of having Aye around but I am still uncomfortable with having someone in the house all the time. Last week I ran errands most of the first day and the second day she worked I actually stayed in bed all day with a reaction to one of the series of shots – I was not a healthy person. The third day she worked I again was out of the house most of the day. Today is the first day that I have stayed home for the full day. I have been on the internet most of the day but I have been in the house. After the month, if I haven’t freaked her out, we will continue.

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