Yes, I have seen myself in a mirror. Wonderful thing about a delusional mind is that you see what you want to see. I know that I am storing extra pounds in most available compartments. I know that my hormones are making hair where it shouldn’t and graying hair where it needn’t but one word for you, denial. Pluck and Deny.
China will be the new weight loss gold mine. I assure you. The food is not so great most of the time – when it is good you don’t eat as much because your stomach has shrunk and you wonder how your body is going to react in several hours. You take it easy and don’t eat like you do in the US. You get an extra heaping of exercise. I have no car, just my little scooter. You park and you walk, a lot. Up and down stairs, you carry everything you buy or need like a pack mule going through the Grand Canyon. So stretch, bend, lift and walk. Walk, walk, walk.

My goal is to stay like the Basset and not end up looking like a Shar Pei.
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